
Top Industry Leaders Share Insights at GLAR Summit
JUNE 6, 2024  - 10:00AM

Event Location: GLAR Headquarters, 12300 Sycamore Station Place
Free for Members | Lunch provided

Our event line-up gets even better!  We are thrilled to announce that national leaders from industry multicultural organizations including the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA), the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance, the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), and the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) are joining us for a fair housing panel discussion led by NAR's Vice President of DEI. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this impactful discussion that will highlight actionable insights and strategies for advancing fair housing and inclusivity across the industry.

Our Keynote Speaker, Author and Activist Michael Fosberg, will kick off the event with his award winning one-man autobiographical presentation, Incognito. Through this interactive workshop, Fosberg tells his unbelievable personal journey and creates a space for meaningful dialogue. You'll walk away with a fresh perspective and his set of 7 tools you can immediately put into your real estate practice.

Sign up today for the can't-miss event, FREE for members thanks to a grant from the National Association of REALTORS®.  RSVP now on your member portal to reserve your spot.

Chicago native Michael Fosberg has been working to create a national dialogue on race and identity since 2001 when he launched his one-man autobiographical play Incognito. The author-activist has used the unique presentation, along with engaging interactive training sessions and speeches, to embrace diversity in an effort to change corporate and organization cultures.

He has been a frequent guest in the national media speaking as an expert on race and identity issues. His travels have taken him across the country facilitating meaningful conversations at educational institutions, corporations, government agencies and military bases. His highly praised memoir; Incognito: An American Odyssey of Race and Self Discovery was published in 2011 and his newest book, Nobody Wants to Talk About It: Race, Identity, and the Difficulty in Forging Meaningful Conversations addresses his efforts to provoke conversations about race over the past fifteen years.

His work with organizations such as United Way Worldwide, the FBI, The Boeing Company, The Dept of Homeland Security, Harvard College, Purdue University and others, is reshaping the way organizations converse about race, identity, diversity, and inclusion. He has given Keynote addresses at conferences, conducted workshops and trainings for the “C” suite, and has spent time in classrooms modeling courageous conversations with students and teachers.
A special THANK YOU to our supporters!

Make the most of your membership!
This event is
free to members as a benefit of your membership, but you must reserve your seat to attend.


Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS | 502-894-9860 |

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